Christoper Bolduc returns to Prague’s National Theatre this month to star in the title role of Benjamin Britten’s Billy Budd.
Performances take place April 25 & 27, conducted by Christopher Ward, with Štefan Margita as Captain Vere and Gidon Saks is John Claggart. Earlier this season, Bolduc opened this new production at the Theatre, which is directed by Daniel Špinar with sets designed by Lucia Škandíková
“The singing at the première was uniformly strong, especially from the three leads. In the title role, American baritone Christopher Bolduc showed why he wins one competition after another and was the Metropolitan Opera’s choice for one of the lead roles in Nico Muhly’s Two Boys.”
– Bachtrack
“The production is based on the great singing and acting performances of the three protagonists. As Billy Budd, American baritone Christopher Bolduc not only gave a perfect singing performance, but also embodied Billy’s boyish fragility, passion, and purity, supported by a white costume. An emotional experience is his singing the night before his execution, given with great simplicity and impressiveness.”
- “Inscenace stojí na skvělých pěvecko-hereckých výkonech trojice protagonistů. Billyho Budda obdařil americký barytonista Christopher Bolduc nejen dokonalým pěveckým projevem, ale i ztělesněním Billyho chlapecké křehkosti, vášnivosti a čistoty, podpořené bílým kostýmem. Emotivním zážitkem je jeho noční zpěv před popravou, podaný s velkou prostotou a působivostí.”
– Radmila Hrdinová,, 19 Jan 2018